Saturday, December 06, 2003

Song of the evening: Jill Sobule's "One of These Days." Another example of a song which perfectly speaks for me, almost to a disturbing degree. Well, it doesn't speak so much for me now (I'm much more functional and productive at the moment, although my uncertain future looms large, and my apartment is still a horrifying mess..."One of these days, and it'll be real soon, gonna kick some ass, I'm gonna clean my room, sometime soon..."), as it did when I first heard it, while making the long drive back to school this past September. I was driving through New Jersey and listening to 90.5 FM The Night (the successor to my high school radio station of choice, the dearly departed 106.3 FM, which had "Mandatory Morrissey" every night at 10 PM). Jill Sobule had visited the station and performed an acoustic version of "One of These Days" and I had one of those wonderful car moments where I hear a song which coincides perfectly with my thoughts as I'm driving, and I have a big goofy grin on my face and bop my head, full of wonder as I realize that I'm not totally alone...because, at least at the time she wrote the song, Jill Sobule was my twin.