Friday, December 12, 2003

Awhile ago, the guy I was seeing at the time (no longer, thankfully) asked me what my porn star name would be. I responded with "Pussy Lo Mein." Yeah. I know.

I hate motherfucker acquaintances who don't have the decency to look at you as they walk by. Granted I've been guilty of the same offense in the past, but usually when I'm not certain if the other person remembers me. A few days ago I saw a surgeon who was my attending during a surgery subrotation (I'll call him "Dr.Peel") walking down a corridor towards me. As we approached each other, Dr.Peel turned his head away from me, stared blankly into space, and walked past me. Given all the shit that I went through while working with him, I can't imagine that he forgot me. Ugh. Fucker motherfucking fuckity fuck fuck. I thought that my bitterness and anger from my time working with him had gotten better...but perhaps not. I hate surgeons. Except for ENT surgeons. The rest of them can go to hell.