Friday, December 05, 2003

Oh, and another thing about The Wings of Desire, the movie I mentioned a few posts ago. Marion's dancing has to be seen to be believed. It's just hilarious and so European, with the vague swaying and twitching of limbs. I could watch her in a loop for hours and still feel on the cusp of bursting into laughter at any second. I would love to dress as her, in that strange tight red dress (so 80's) and big curly hair, as well as imitate her dance moves, but virtually no one would get the reference. I dressed up as Neil Gaiman's Death for Halloween this year and no one had any idea who the hell I was supposed to be. I even did a big ass tinfoil ankh and the black eyeliner squiggle and everything. *sigh* It was kind of funny to hear responses from drunken partygoers after my explanation of my costume, e.g. "That is awesome dude, like, I love comic books! I totally dig them, man. That is really cool, what are you again? Oh yeah, comics, cool."

I got myself a new Fig Apricot fragrance by Fresh, and it's wonderful--very ripe and summery, a much-needed escape from the cold and the rain outside. *sniffs wrist* Mmmmmmm.

Oh, and for some reason I've become addicted to eating bananas smeared with Nutella. Could somebody stop me, please? I should have known that it was a bad, bad idea to purchase a big-ass jar of Nutella for the open microphone event I set up a couple of weeks ago. It sits there on my kitchen counter, mocking me, knowing my weakness, conquering my sad attempt to deny myself the indescribable joy of dipping my spoon into its creamy brown contents and smearing the stuff all over a banana before taking a big bite and smushing the two flavors together against my tastebuds. Damn. It's a good thing I'm out of bananas.