Friday, August 13, 2004

Yet another person comes out of the closet. This time it's the Democrat Governer of New Jersey, James McGreevey, who is resigning after admitting to an extra-marital affair with a man. As a Jersey girl, I was proud when earlier this year he signed the domestic partners law for gay and lesbian couples (although he had voiced his opposition to gay marriage in the past). His term has not been without problems (such as fund-raising scandals, and according to MSNBC, a likely sexual harrassment lawsuit), but I'm glad that he's being open and truthful about himself. It will be interesting to see what the reaction will be in the media. I hope that my fellow New Jerseyans won't turn against him simply because of his homosexuality...I hope that his coming out has some sort of positive impact on the visibility of gays in the media (particularly gay politicians), although unfortunately it seems like such a mess that I'm not sure that there will be any overt benefit.