Monday, August 09, 2004

So over the weekend I finally saw a movie called The Harder They Come, a 1970's movie which is a favorite of my Dad's (no, it's not a's a film about Jamaicans and reggae and marijuana. ). From the groovy cover art and the bouncy reggae soundtrack, I was expecting a fun bow-wow-chicka-chicka-bow time, but no. It was actually very stark and political (it detailed the overwhelming poverty and police corruption of the country, and was strongly influential in getting the Jamaican Labor Party voted out of office). The movie is rather dated (the clothes are a scream), but there are some memorable scenes, and the soundtrack does kick major ass. (I love "Many Rivers to Cross," "You can get it if you really want it," and "Sitting here in Limbo"). What was most disturbing to me, however, is that I'm now thinking that my father might have been a pothead, since marijuana seems so entwined with reggae in this film, and since my Dad was such a huuuge fan of reggae back in the day. It may be pathetically simple-minded of me, but I can't think of my Dad that way, and now I'm trying to suppress! Gah. It's so very strange that I love learning about the complexity of people's lives--particularly the more seedy and debauched parts--except when it comes to my parents. With regards to their past drug use and sexual experiences, I would like to know as little as possible. Nothing at all would be best.

Bush continues to demonstrate his hypocrisy by stating that he opposes "legacy" admissions to college. How can he be anti-legacy when legacy has afforded him all the privileges he has enjoyed? It galls me that he could say that college admissions should be solely determined by merit when he knows that there's no way his ass would have gotten anywhere near Yale without Daddy's name. Born on 3rd base indeed. I'll never forget how disgusted I was while sitting in the middle of Old Campus at my college graduation, watching this guy smirking and reminding me that he "learned how to speak English at Yale." Very nice of you to make my degree seem like it wasn't worth shit, dipwad. Although people trash Hillary for being a stilted public speaker, she completely outdid Bush the previous day with a warm, funny, and inspirational speech that will always stick with me. W wasn't the least bit inspirational--he occasionally charmed by poking fun at his own stupidity, but that was it.