Saturday, August 07, 2004

Wow, I got my first racist hate-mail ever. I post regularly on a messageboard mostly of womyn, and politics do come up once in a while. Although I didn't think I posted anything too incediary, I obviously pissed someone off, because she sent me this:

"Hi there you ugly gook! You are the most radical ridiculous gook that it's disgusting and quite disturbing. Why don't you go hang out on a boat in Korea or where ever the hell your from because you certainly don't belong here, you commie bitch. The arrogant attitude you have is just as ugly as you are. You are a nasty looking bitch with those ugly asian eyes. If you had an arsenal of makeup it still wouldn't help you. Instead of being a red diaper doper baby you might want to get a life instead of screaming the same, tiring party lines over and over again. You are too young, too dumb, and too ignorant to discuss politics. Especially when your native land is a bunch of communists."

Is it wrong of me to be incredibly amused by this?