Saturday, February 07, 2004

This article, which features an interview with the sociologist Arlie Hochschild, attempts to explain why blue collar white men vote for Bush, even though his policies will probably benefit them less than the policies of Bush's Democrat opponents. I've been mystified by this phenomenon for quite some time. Hochschild's implication that blue collar white men resent womyn and minorities, and thus turn to the Republican party which they feel will champion themselves at the expense of others, is quite disturbing to say the least. As well as their falling for Bush's bullshit aw-shucks-I'm-just-like-you act. God, when I read something like "I voted for Gore, but I'd probably vote for President Bush if I had to do it again...I like that he's a Christian and that's he's not afraid to admit it. I can relate to that." , I just don't know what to do other than shrug helplessly.

I'm still fuming that CBS did not air the anti-Bush ad during the Superbowl, after it aired ads supporting the Bush administration last year. As for the Janet Jackson boob fiasco, I won't waste much more space on that. All I will say is that the outrage is ridiculous (the French must be laughing their asses off at us right's a fucking breast, for God's sake), and that it just highlights the insane hypocrisy of CBS. All this media hoopla over a fucking breast, while there are so many more newsworthy stories about how people's lives are fucked over by the Bush administration, both here in the States and overseas. It's sickening.