Wednesday, June 08, 2005

While I was out dancing on Saturday, I saw this scantily clad super skinny chick jerking her hips spastically back and forth in a desperate attempt to be sexy. Instead, she appeared sinister and bizarre, like a praying mantis having a seizure. Clarification: there are plenty of super skinny people who dance with grace and sex appeal. This girl wasn't one of them.

I was once obsessed with a television show called My So-called Life. There was one episode where Angela (Claire Danes) decided she was not ready to lose her virginity to Jordan Catalano (Jared Leto), leading to their breakup. In the last scene of the episode, we see Angela riding a bike, tentatively letting go of the handlebars until she's able to pedal with her arms stretched out horizontally. Her voiceover: "People always say be yourself. Like your 'self' is this definite thing, like a toaster. Like you can know what it is, even. But every so often, I'll have like a moment, when just being myself in my life, right where I am, is like, enough." I had one of those moments yesterday. I did something which was totally, unapologetically me, even though I knew the other person would likely not get it, or appreciate it. But I'm still glad I had the courage to do it. I don't need this other Person to validate it, or validate me. And it's, like, enough.