Saturday, May 28, 2005

Another rant: Why do guys say that they'll call, even if it's clear that they have no intention of doing so? It just makes one feel doubly shitty. Bleh. Fuck you.

Then again, maybe it's karma. Yes, I did once end a relationship (well, I don't know if I'd call it that...perhaps a 3-4 month "association" is more accurate) by saying that I'd call...actually, promising that I'd call, giving my word, the whole shebang...but I never called. Then again, that was when I was in the throes of crisis, and knew that I could not handle his emotional immaturity. A self-protection thing. What these guys are doing is condescending, and makes me doubt the integrity of their word. If you don't want to talk to me again, don't pretend that you do. I'm perceptive enough to see it anyway. I don't need these silly little rituals. Oh wait, you perform them to make yourself feel better. Well, it's more unpleasant for the person being rejected, so stop it. Granted, I never thought you were hot shit anyway...with my "unreasonably high standards" and all.

In passing: A pale, pasty white guy with a high pitched voice was saying, "So there was this black girl, with very very dark dark skin"...yeah, I think we get the point. The extra "very" and "dark" are not necessary, dude.